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X-Cooper's Goodbye To Romance



Knukelhead Netscape Navigator x Tatjana Von Der Alten Veste.

Born: 30-05-2007

Shows: 2 x DKCC, 2 x VDHCC, 3 x CACIB


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Saga Black Spot Of Cooper


​X-Cooper Von Der Alten Veste x AlenaVon Der Alten Veste.

Born: 14-09-2004


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X-Cooper's Get It Hot


​Augustus x Saga Black Spot Of Cooper

Born: 01-12-2008


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Redbull Royale's Touch Of Heaven

Lille My

​Fire In Heaven The Joker x Zillion Stars The Joker

Born: 08-06-2012


Owners: Katherine Mouridsen & Flemming Westberg


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X-Cooper's Devils Daughter


​X-Cooper's Who Made Who x X-Cooper's Goodbye To Romance

Born: 00-00-2013


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X-Cooper's Little Lover


​Augustus x Saga Black Spot Of Cooper

Born: 01-12-2008

Owners: Mette & Peter  Mogensen, DK


Complete pedigree

Webdesign by Katherine Mouridsen, Kennel Redbull Royale's © 2013

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